Give the Gospel this Christmas

Are you prepared for wonderful opportunities to speak the gospel this Christmas?

During Christmas many people are more open to hearing about Jesus Christ than another time of the year. We hear his name and story sung in shopping malls, written on greeting cards and acted out by little children. Many people who never go to church, go to church this one time a year. Many who never pray before a meal, pray before this meal. There is an openness or tenderness or curiosity about Jesus Christ unlike any other time of the year. 

So, that makes me wonder: as Christians, as citizens of heaven and ambassadors of Christ, are we prepared? Are we prepared for opportunities that may come to us to speak the good news about Jesus? 

Let’s consider just a few opportunities we might have this Christmas and some ideas for how to proclaim the good news of Jesus in them.

Saying Grace

Some families or friend groups don’t say a prayer before a meal regularly. But some will feel maybe they should on a big day like Christmas. And maybe you’re considered “the religious one” there. Which means everyone looks at you when it’s time to eat. Whatever the reason, if you’re the one charged with saying a prayer before Christmas dinner this is an amazing opportunity to proclaim the good news of Jesus. We can just quickly thank God for the food and family and be done with it. But just as easily we can thank God for the gift of Jesus, who didn’t come to condemn us but to rescue us. We can thank him that Jesus, who came as a baby in a manger, lived  and died and rose again for all of us, so that no matter what we’ve done, we can receive the gift of forgiveness and life and acceptance into God’s family forever.


Gifts are a big part of the Christmas season. Making lists, ordering, shipping, shopping, hiding, wrapping and giving; presents are front and centre during these days. Whether we’re in a mall full to the gills, or in the basement buried in mountain of wrapping paper, or racking our brain for gift ideas for that tricky family member, most of us have wondered why we do this every year? And we’ve probably had more than one conversation with others along those same lines. Or maybe one of our children have asked why we give and get presents on Christmas Day. Whatever might bring the topic up we have an opportunity in that conversation to speak the life and joy of Jesus into it. Instead of the pat answers we might sometimes give, we could say how even though it can be a burden sometimes getting gifts for everyone, we love how giving gifts this time of year reminds us of the gift that God gave to us in sending Jesus to us, not because we did anything to deserve it, but simply because he loved us and wanted good for us. 

Sharing Holiday Plans

A common question we get this time of year is “what are your holiday plans?” Or “What does/did Christmas look like for you guys this year?” Many of us might default to listing our family travel plans and how many trips to grandparents’ houses it will include. But why not consider sharing too how you’ll be taking time to think about and talk about the Christmas message, the amazing news that God sent Jesus to us to rescue us, make us acceptable and pleasing to Him forever and bring us true, everlasting life.

There are so many opportunities we have in life to speak about the hope we have in Jesus. And around Christmas those opportunities are even more numerous and wonderful. These are just a few that perhaps some of us will encounter. Let’s by God’s grace and with the Holy Spirit, keep our eyes and ears open as ambassadors for Christ this Christmas. And let’s be prepared to give our friends and family, in big ways and small ways, the amazing news of all God has given us in Jesus Christ!

Merry Christmas, friends!

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11

For more information and resources for boldly sharing the gospel go to our Bold Witnesses page.


About the Author

Scott Hunt
is the leader of our Bold Witnesses Priority and Communications Director for ANiC. He lives in Southern Ontario with his wife, Richelle, and is a member of St. George’s Burlington.