The Right Reverend Stephen Leung

Area Bishop, Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC)

Stephen was consecrated a bishop in the Church of God on 13 November 2009 at the Anglican Network in Canada synod in St Catharines, Ontario. He is also rector of ANiC’s Good Shepherd parish in Vancouver and is responsible for multicultural ministries within ANiC, including the Asian Mission in Canada. 

After graduating from Wycliffe, Stephen was ordained in Hong Kong in 1984 where he served as a curate for two years. In 1990, the Leung family moved to Vancouver to serve at Good Shepherd. 

As part of his mandate for Asian and multicultural ministries, Bishop Stephen has been forging close working relationship with Anglican Provinces, Primates and leaders in Asia.  In June 2011, he and his wife Nona led a short-term mission team ministering to the Karen refugees in Thailand – a mission undertaken in partnership with the Diocese of Singapore and the Deanery of Thailand. 

Stephen and his wife, Nona, have two daughters. He is an avid badminton player and enjoys camping, fishing and hiking. 

“I would never choose to go through such a painful theological battle,” says Stephen, “but I’m grateful to see the spiritual growth in the people of the parish. While the journey has been one of suffering, people have become more serious in their faith and willing to let go of secondary things and cling to the primary things of God.  It is in the storm that we are learning to put our faith into practice. We must focus on faithfulness and leave the results to God.”

Kenneth StevensonBishop