Guatemala - Bishop Don Harvey

Global Mission Projects - Bishop Don Harvey

Guatemala (Arms of Jesus Children’s Mission)

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As you may read elsewhere in these global mission reports, the Parish of the Good Samaritan in St. John’s Newfoundland has made regular mission trips to Guatemala since the inception of the parish over a decade ago.  During that time, in my role as Moderator of ANiC  I  never was free to join any of the teams as I was constantly on the move in our extensive Diocese  and even more extensive Province.  Still, I always tried to be back home for the Sunday following the Team's return to hear of their activities and their heart warming interactions with the people among whom they ministered.   

Then, quite out of the blue one year there was an unexpected vacancy that had to be filled and I still had that week free on my calendar.  It was a memorable, indeed in some ways a life changing experience and when I returned I did not hesitate to sign up for the next mission two years later.  Again, that was another incredible event, but sadly, one in which I had to come to terms with the fact that the years were taking their toll and I no longer was capable of doing my share of the rather strenuous activity of erecting homes with the physical labours involved.  It became obvious that as much as I loved being with the group, I was taking the place of a younger person who would do the work required in a way that I never could.

So, it was a sad good-bye to Guatemala and the incredible encounters at the Arms of Jesus School.  I would have wonderful memories but I expected never again to see the smiling faces of the most lovable children on earth as they raised their little voices in welcome to us and in praise to a God whom they seemed to know so well.  From now on I would have to enjoy it second hand as the others returned and shared their experiences.

While on the Mission I had spent much time in the classrooms and with the staff, especially when it became obvious that I was only in the way out on the construction site.  Then it occurred to  me that there may still be a ministry in that aspect of the work, especially since I so much enjoyed being with the children and despite the language barriers, we seemed to be able to communicate.  With that in mind I wrote Dr. Sam Martin who assured me that there was such a place for me and I would be welcomed at Arms of Jesus whenever I wanted to go.

My wife Trudy never had been there, but felt as if she had, from the various accounts she heard from me and others on our jubilant returns.  I had my 80th birthday looming and so, in lieu of any other form of celebration, we went to Guatemala, not as tourists, but to be a mission team in our own way.  Indeed, we have the record of being the smallest Team they ever had organized.

But it worked incredibly well.  Pastor Luis met us at the airport and the next day we were brought to our hotel, not far from the school.  Otto, whom I knew so well from previous visits looked after our transportation each day and from time to time provided wonderful translation (which was not always easy when dealing with someone with a Newfoundland accent).  Most of our days were at the school, mingling with the students, especially the very young ones, and having our meals with the staff.

I was invited to conduct a seminar for the teachers, with a Question and Answer session that proved to be even more constructive for me than it was for them.  A real sense of dedication on their part was so very obvious that it pained me to have to warn them that some of the dangers that had infiltrated our education system back home were in danger of attacking them as well.  Afterwards a number of teachers told me that some of these dangers already were on their doorstep and they appreciated being reminded of just how serious they are.

It was a wonderful visit for us both, and as so many others have said on their return, they received much more from their week there than they were able to give.  None of us will ever forget the experience of watching these children worship (it gives a whole new meaning to the word) and of being hugged by a beautiful child every time you crossed the campus.

Our own little sponsored girl,  Alizon, ran up to us the morning we arrived and later we met with her parents and little brother.  Her smile has been etched into our memories, and as we pray for her as one of our family, we also give thanks for Dr. Sam and his dedicated staff whose vision made all of this become a reality.

Sadly, covid 19 which has ravaged Guatemala as it has the rest of the world, certainly has had a dire effect on what the school and mission can do.  But it has not stopped it, and much has been organized to carry out this ministry to children from their homes to which many are confined.  When this plague becomes just a memory, the work at Arms of Jesus will continue with increased vigour and determination.

It is my prayer, that while I never will even try to help erect another house, I may make at least one other visit to see dear friends and help re-establish and build on a foundation so lovingly laid.  May His richest blessings be on them all!

—  Bishop Donald F. Harvey -  Episcopal Vicar ANiC

Scott Hunt