Introduction to Catechist Training

A basic introduction and overview to becoming a Catechesis teacher.

What is a Catechist?


A Christian teacher who intentionally sets out to share their life of faith, their knowledge of and devotion to Christ with those seeking to grow as disciples of Christ.



What does a Catechist need to be and learn to be a Catechist?

  1. "Know the Shepherd"

  2. "Know the task"

  3.  "Know your stuff"

  4.  "Know your sheep"



A. Content to learn:

  1. An Understanding of Catechesis - history, purpose, shape and need and the role of Catechist

  2. Thinking theologically - frameworks to thinking theologically

  3. Thinking Biblically

  4. Doctrine - the Creed

  5. Devotion - The Lord's Prayer

  6. Discipline - The Ten Commandments


B. Character to grow into:

  1. Loves Christ and His Gospel.

  2. Holds to Biblical authority and doctrines.

  3. Is seeking to live the Christian life faithfully and obediently in all areas of their life.

  4. Loves to teach people and is passionate about making disciples and helping people grow.

  5. Demonstrates humility towards God and others and is teachable.

  6. Is prayerful and faithful in reading and studying God's word

  7. Loves the body of Christ, is regular in attendance, seeks to serve and edifying others by using their gifts.

  8. Is keen to learn and grow


C. Competencies to learn:

  1. Growing ability to teach people and understand how people learn and become disciples

  2. Takes initiative

  3. Is observant of others in a group

  4. Can work with others on a team.

  5. Can undertake preparation and study

  6. Growing grasp of theological truths and can explain them to others.

  7. Can self reflect and learn from failure.


D. Commitments to make:

  1.  To the period and requirements of training over 1 year.

  2. To Communication with their leader and then their class

  3. Teachability - to receive feedback gladly and openly.

  4. To be mentored by trainer

  5. To serve the congregation by doing catechesis

  6. To undertake the reading, meetings and prayer that will be required.



Specifics of Training


Meeting with your trainer over the next months to discuss the following books

  • Grounded in the Gospel - J.I.Packer and G.Parrett

  • Delighting in the Trinity - M.Reeves

  • Growing in Christ - J.I.Packer

  • The Christian Way of Living: An Ethics of the 10 Commandments - K. Bockmuehl


We will pray together at each meeting


We will require different response to the different readings. Some will be written


Start attending the Catechism classes that are being run to observe the class and make notes to discuss with trainer.


Join with other catechists for training sessions that will be held in the coming term