Here are some of our ministries and ministry partners working to facilitate deeper Christian discipleship and educate Christians on specific issues.



Catechesis (ka-tə-ˈkē-səs) is the Church's God-assigned task of grounding believers in Christ and in the foundations of the Christian faith. It is making disciples by teaching them all that Christ taught the apostles, and calling them to live in the light of that teaching.

In ANiC we believe effective catechesis is vitally important for the flourishing of our members and the fruitfulness of our churches as they witness in the world.

We have a team who works to provide resources for the equipping of our people in catechesis and for the training of catechists.

You can find all our Catechesis resources and more information about catechesis here:

Anglican 4th Day


The Anglican 4th Day (A4D) movement is an initiative of the Anglican Church in North America and is dedicated to bring people to Christ, encourage Christian fellowship, and nurture godly leaders. It is modeled on the well-known Cursillo movement. Anglican 4th Day is a worldwide movement which seeks to bring people to Christ, helps Christians grow in discipleship and offers warm fellowship.

Upcoming events

BC Ultreya – The BC Lower Mainland chapter of Anglican 4th Day holds its monthly Ultreyas on the 3rd Friday of each month.


In addition, men's and women's weekend events are held occasionally. Contact email Shelly Steele for details.

Anglican Fourth Day (A4D) Province-wide conference
A Provincial Grand Ultreya and Conference is held annually in the US. Check the Anglican 4th Day website for dates and locations.


How it works

Three-day weekend events are an important part of the A4D movement. These are designed to be “encounters with Christ”. On the weekends, participants learn how to nurture their spiritual growth.

From these weekends, small local fellowship groups form which meet frequently to share and to encourage and support one another in living the Christian life. The larger Anglican 4th Day Community comes together in monthly "Ultreyas" meetings for worship, sharing and fellowship. 



Consult the A4D Handbook which encapsulates the principles of A4D and provides guidelines for local A4D servant communities.


To get involved, or for more information

Anyone interested in getting involved in A4D and initiate A4D activities in their communities and ANiC parishes, should contact: 

ANiC A4D coordinator: 
The Rev Rich Roberts
(778) 549-4953 (mobile)

Anglicans For Life Canada

Anglicans for Life Canada is a pastoral ministry dedicated to the biblical foundations of upholding the Sanctity of Human Life. Anglicans for Life Canada provides biblically based programs and support to assist Anglican churches to compassionately apply God's Word when addressing life issues.

For more information, please contact the ministry directly:

Anglicans For Life Canada
Suite 146 2186 Mountain Grove Ave
Burlington, Ontario L7P 4X4

To contact National Director Vicky Hedelius, please

Spiritual Warfare & Exorcism Group

The ANiC Spiritual Warfare and Exorcism Group was commissioned at Synod 2017 in Burlington by Bishop Charlie Masters, with leadership being provided by Bishop Don Harvey, Archdeacon Paul Crossland and the Reverend Ann Crossland. One of their primary initiatives is a organizing small conferences across the diocese for educating people on spiritual warfare.

For questions or further information you can contact Ven. Paul Crossland and Rev. Ann Crossland at