Bishop Donald and Trudy Harvey Legacy Fund

Investing today in discipling and nurturing children and youth
to be faithful leaders in the church tomorrow



The Bishop Donald and Trudy Harvey Legacy Fund is named in honour of the Right Reverend Donald Harvey, the first bishop of the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC), and his wife of 50 years, Trudy (Gertrude). 

This Fund will support creative, sustainable ministry initiatives in ANiC which nurture and disciple children and young people.  This fund is independently administered by a board of directors currently comprised of Bishop Charlie Masters, Bishop Don Harvey, Trudy Harvey, Jane Masters, Mary Ann Masters and Jessica Underdown.



Donations to this Fund may be made through ANiC parishes or directly to ANiC. Please clearly design the gift “Bishop Donald &Trudy Harvey Legacy Fund”. 



To promote the Legacy Fund in your church, you may wish to include a bulletin insert.



Applications for funding can be made by completing this form.



About The Right Reverend Donald & Mrs Trudy Harvey 


Bishop Don Harvey is the founding diocesan bishop and moderator of the Anglican Network in Canada. While Bishop Don traveled North America, and even the world, ministering and helping to build ANiC, ACNA and the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, Trudy quietly and sacrificially made his ministry possible. 

Trudy, a 30-year primary school teacher, is a church musician, an active community volunteer, and a passionate prayer warrior.  Bishop Don and Trudy make their home in St John’s, Newfoundland.



“I believe ministry with children and youth is a vital area which requires much more effort and resources. We do not have the luxury of time on our side.” 
~ Bishop Donald Harvey