Videoing Israel


Did you know that one of our ANiC clergy, Rev. Jess Cantelon, has been recently adventuring across the Holy Land with a Bible and a selfie-stick to produce a video series? It's the second series in Israel that he's produced and the first episode of this new series is about to launch online this week. We got in touch with Jess and asked him to share a little more about the project.


How did it begin? What sparked the idea and vision for this project?


I grew up in Jerusalem in the 80s, and then ministered there again with Erica and the kids 2004-2010. The amazing country of Israel has always had a special place in my heart. As the family and I are now moving back to Jerusalem, the Israel Video Project seemed like a great way to bring ANiC and others to Israel in a way they otherwise may not be able to experience. My hope is to make both the Old and New Testament scriptures come to life in a new way and help people come closer to Jesus. The video series is also an excellent way for brothers and sisters in North America and around the world to connect with us as we minister in Israel. 


What's been the process to make this happen?



That process is still happening today.  As I go back to minister in Israel, it is the fruit of a team effort of ANiC and ACNA churches and individuals.  Many are on board already, yet many more still are needed for a successful launch. 

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What's been the biggest challenge?


The biggest challenge was probably finding the strength within ourselves to move back to Jerusalem in the first place.  Obviously, living and ministering in the Middle East involves many challenges. Yet God has, figuratively speaking, picked up our family by the scruff of the neck to send us back. I think the fact that we are willing to go, means that He is with us.  Where there was reservation, there is now vision. Where there was fear, there is now anticipation and excitement. 



What impact have you seen?


I love the fact that the video project is getting such a positive response from ordinary people, churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike. For some reason this was unexpected for me. It seems to be another medium through which people can access the message of God's grace. It is very fulfilling work. 


What’s your hope for the future of this project?


As I begin to pioneer an ANiC and ACNA work in Jerusalem, I hope that the video project will continue for years to come. I hope that it will help brothers and sisters in North America and around the world see Jesus in new and exciting ways, and also give people a real sense of connection to the work that we are doing in Israel. 

For this particular video series called, “The Road To Jerusalem” I will be focusing on a journey of prayer. It is not only my family and I who are on the road to Jerusalem. The Anglican Communion too, finds itself on that road once again as we approach GAFCON 2018 in Jerusalem — our 3rd Global Anglican Future Conference. It is my hope that many will join me on The Road To Jerusalem as we pray toward GAFCON 2018. 


How can we pray for you?



Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. 


Pray that we gather enough prayer and financial support through churches and individuals for a swift and successful launch to Israel. 


Pray for God not to leave us nor forsake us, and pray that we have the wisdom and the patience not to go ahead of the Lord. 


"If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here."

Exodus 33:15

Please do pray for Jess and Erica and their five sons. We're so grateful for them and all the different and creative ways the Lord is using the people of ANiC to share the good news of Jesus.


You can find out more, donate and follow Israel Video Project on social media by going to their website here:

You can watch Series 1 of Jess's Israel Video Project here:
Series 2 'The Road to Jerusalem' has been filmed and you can watch episode 1 'Transfiguration' below:

Scott Hunt