The Venerable Paul Crossland

Clergy Care

Archdeacon Paul Crossland and his wife, The Reverend Ann Crossland were received into The Anglican Network in Canada on August 1, 2008 from the Anglican Church of Canada Diocese of Athabasca, Alberta.

Archdeacon Paul served as rector of the parish of Church of The Resurrection, Brandon, Manitoba and The Church of The Redeemer, Dauphin, Manitoba until retiring at the end of December, 2017.

Paul has served two terms as a member of the ANiC Council and for three years Chaired DOVE, the Diocesan Committee responsible for the discernment of those desiring to be called to the ordained ministry. Under the leadership of Right Reverend Donald Harvey, and with The Reverend Ann Crossland, Paul is part of the group attempting to bring an awareness of the importance of Spiritual Warfare in ANiC.

Paul and Ann derive great pleasure from their seven grandchildren, and a seven year old blue and tan Border Terrier, Murphy. They reside in Brandon Manitoba.

Paul has been known to catch a few fish, given the opportunity, and chase a grouse or two through the woods on occasion.

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