The Right Reverend Ronald Ferris

Bishop of Church Planting (Retired)

Bishop Ron Ferris was received in January 2009 by Archbishop Gregory Venables as a bishop of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, ministering within the Anglican Network in Canada. He retired in September 2008 as Bishop of Algoma, an Anglican Church of Canada diocese in Ontario. Previously, he served as Bishop of the Yukon from 1981 until 1995. 

Bishop Ferris planted ANiC's Church of the Ascension in Langley, BC, from 2009-2017.  He retired once again, stepping down as rector of Ascension, in March 2017.  

Bishop Ferris holds doctorates in Sacred Theology, Ministry, as well as Divinity. In 2004, Bishop Ferris was a candidate in the election for Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.

In 2009, Bishop Ron said: “After 28 wonderful years as Bishop, first in the Yukon and then in Algoma, I am delighted to embark on a new challenge – new church development,” said Bishop Ferris. “My decision to relinquish the licence I held for so many years within the Anglican Church of Canada was not taken quickly or lightly. My wife and I deeply value our many years in Algoma and the Yukon and are thankful that during our time in Algoma the diocese remained united as a "communion partner diocese" and committed to upholding the teachings and disciplines of the Anglican Communion.

“Here in British Columbia I will be working with a family of 20 churches (Anglican Network, Anglican Coalition, and Reformed Episcopal) along with another 25 churches in Washington State to establish new congregations, train young people for ministry, and build up the family of God. 

“Church structures are intended to be a means to advance the Gospel, and not ends in themselves. Changes are underway in the Anglican story that will bring both turmoil and opportunity. As someone said in reference to John 5:4, 'unless an angel trouble the waters, there be no healing in them'.

“My commitment to the Gospel, global Anglicanism, and evangelization are unchanged. 

The attraction for me in the new structures is solid teaching and missional energy. There is an emphasis on salvation through Christ alone, family values, respect for life, and active evangelization.” 

Bishop Ron and Jan live in Surrey, BC. They have six grown children and several grandchildren in BC and the Yukon.